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Game Console R35S/R36S



Rockchip RK3326 ARM Cortex-A35 (Quad-core) @ 1.3 GHz Mali G31
Display RAM eMMC Connectivity
3.5-inch 640*480 1 GB DDR3 None None


Kernel GPU drivers Compositor Interface
Mainline Linux libmali (GLES 3.2) & Panfrost (GL 3.1/GLES 3.1) Sway Emulation Station


RetroArch Hotkeys

Button Combo Action
SELECT+START (x2) Quit Game
SELECT+R1 Save State
SELECT+L1 Load State
SELECT+R2 Fast-Forward


  • By default ROCKNIX will detect your controller and configure RetroArch hotkeys automatically. This is controlled by the "AUTOCONFIGURE RETROARCH HOTKEYS" option in the Settings > Controller & Bluetooth menu. While the option is enabled, RetroArch hotkeys will be overwritten by the above defaults each time RetroArch is launched. If this behavior is not desired that option can be disabled and your user-defined RetroArch hotkeys will be used instead.

Mednafen Hotkeys

Button Combo Action
SELECT+START (hold for 2sec) Quit Game
SELECT+R1 Save State
SELECT+L1 (hold for 2sec) Load State
SELECT+R2 Fast-Forward
START+L1 Select disc
START+R1 Eject/Insert disc
START+D-Pad Left Decrease save slot by 1
START+D-Pad Right Increase save slot by 1
START+L2 Configure buttons on virtual port 1
START+R2 Insert coin


  • By default ROCKNIX will expand the configuration file according to the first controller mednafen finds. This only happens when the config file doesn't exist (meaning the first time or if you manually delete it). After the initial expansion you are free to customize the controls.

Global Hotkeys

Button Combo Action
SELECT+Vol + Brightness Up
SELECT+Vol - Brightness Down
START+Vol + Battery Status
START+Vol - WIFI Toggle

HDMI Output

Press L1 + START + SELECT while in EmulationStation to swtich between Screen and HDMI output.

While this should work; it doesn't always result in the correct resolution. The best way to get consistent results is to turn off the device, plug in an HDMI cable and reboot.

"Why doesn't hot-plugging just work?"... Hot-plug HDMI switching is a fairly complex action to accomplish and not something we have implemented on any device. If you are a developer and interested in helping to build this functionality please start here: Contribute




Download the latest RK3326 version of ROCKNIX from the button below and follow the instructions listed on the Install page.

Latest Version Latest Version

New displays (R36s of year 2024)

Recent R36s have new displays that need some extra actions to work.

The simplest way so far is:

  • Determine which panel do you have (or just try every option until it works)
  • Download a mipi-panel.dtbo.r36s-panel* there
  • Rename the downloaded file and put it to a boot (ROCKNIX) partition as overlays/mipi-panel.dtbo

These files mostly have just basic refresh rate (77.378 FPS) (panel4 has 50, 60, 75 because we tested it)

If you need better modes and are okay with Python and device trees, there is a WiP script which extracts panel info from a stock dtb, generates some modes and embeds it in .dtbo file: